Powrtouch Motor Movers
Powrtouch are the number one supplier of remote-controlled caravan mover systems.
Since its release in 2012, the Powrtouch Evolution has been the most popular caravan mover in the UK. It combines lightweight alloy materials with a powerful driver to deliver amazing precision within a robust a reliable product.
Contact us for more information about the Powrtouch range and the latest prices.

The Powrtouch Classic
Single Axle Motor Mover
The Powrtouch Classic caravan mover is designed to fit caravans that have shock absorbers fitted or have a narrow gap (less than 105mm) between the chassis and the tyre, but fitted with a reduction gearbox to provide more moving power to the caravan wheels than all other current traditional caravan movers. Under ideal conditions it is expected that this model will move a 1,500 Kgs (approx 1.5UK tons) caravan up a 1 in 4 slope.

Powrtouch Evolution
Single Axle Motor Mover
This model will fit all European manufactured single axle caravans, and with the new lightweight and compact design, it will also now fit all the range of smaller caravans and trailer tents without the need for any extra fitting or chassis modifications. With its exceptional power and improved traction it will drive any single axle caravan or trailer (regardless of its weight) up slopes in excess of 1 in 4 (25%).

Powrtouch Evolution Manual Twin
Twin Axle Motor Mover
This mover will drive any twin axle up a minimum slope of 1 in 4; it now makes no difference whether the unit is fitted on the front wheels or behind the rear wheels because it will give the same performance.
Still the only caravan mover company to offer our industry renowned and totally unique, free of charge, 5 year parts and labour ‘no quibble’ guarantee”

Powrtouch Evolution Twin Axle
Twin Axle Motor Mover
This mover will drive any twin axle up a minimum slope of 1 in 4; it now makes no difference whether the unit is fitted on the front wheels or behind the rear wheels because it will give the same performance.
Still the only caravan mover company to offer our industry renowned and totally unique, free of charge, 5 year parts and labour ‘no quibble’ guarantee”

Powrtouch Evolution All Wheel Drive
Twin Axle Motor Mover
With the addition of a further two driving wheels this feature makes the Powrtouch Evolution ‘All Wheel Drive’ the ultimate caravan mover system for the highest possible manoeuvrability of a twin axle caravan: this is a MUST for those tight turns in limited space.